What if you are sick for a long period of time?

Via the Belgian National Institute for Illness-Disability Insurance (INAMI/RIZIV), the social security system provides a financial cushion to fall back on if ever you’re on long-term sick leave and no longer earning an income. This safety net is, however, quite modest, designed to cover your essential living expenses only. In the meantime, your expenses will continue to run in spite of your lower earnings power. Fortunately, many employers currently offer Income Protection coverage.
State benefits
Statutory replacement income
State benefits are based on your monthly salary only and exclude all other earnings such as year-end bonuses, performance bonuses, holiday pay, etc.

​​​​In the first month of your occupational incapacity leave, you’ll still collect 100% of your salary, payable by your employer.

Between the 2nd and the 12th month, your employer will generally stop paying you for sick leave. This means that you’ll have to rely on state benefits, which are just 60% of your salary, capped at a maximum of EUR 56,019.60 (01.05.2024)​.

After one full year, your occupational incapacity will be reclassified as a disability. You’ll then be entitled to an allowance according to your family situation:

• 65% of your gross salary if you claim children and/or relatives as dependents, capped at a maximum of EUR 56,019.60 (01.05.2024)​
• 55% of your gross salary if you are single, capped at a maximum of EUR 56,019.60 (01.05.2024)​
• 40% of your combined gross salaries if you are in a domestic partnership, capped at a maximum of EUR 56,019.60 (01.05.2024)​​

N.B.: State benefits are based on your monthly salary only and exclude other earnings such as year-end bonuses, performance bonuses, holiday pay, etc.

Income Protection

Your employer may have had the foresight to include Income Protection insurance in your corporate-sponsored plan. With this coverage, you’ll be entitled to a replacement income on top of your statutory benefits, to help you maintain your standard of living.

Want to find out more about this type of insurance? Go to the Income Protection page  for further details.

Have a corporate-sponsored plan through AG Employee Benefits? If so, then it’s highly likely you can check your covers on My AG Employee Benefits. Log in now.

Statutory replacement income
Income Protection insurance provides an extra financial cushion on top of statutory benefits.
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